“Children are a heritage from the Lord; offspring a reward from Him.”

Psalm 127:3

Here at Family Life, WE LOVE KIDS! Our children join us for the beginning of service through communion and worship before being released to class. We feel our kids must participate with the adults during this time of the service.

Our Mission


We strive to teach children the Gospel truth effectively to become fully devoted followers of Christ.


To teach children to engage them at a level they can understand. From songs, snacks, and crafts, everything is designed to engage and further their understanding of who God is, who God says they are, and Biblical truth.


Here at FAMILYLIFE, we see children as a BLESSING! We want our classrooms to be a place that encourages children to be who they are and understand how God has designed them.


 To equip our children to apply what they learn in our classrooms to everyday life. We know we can never out-parent a parent so this includes coming alongside parents to help them carry out the lessons taught on a Sunday throughout the week.

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Sunday Mornings

10 am